Pastor’s Blog

Clinging to Christ’s Promises By Rev. Anthony L. Trufant

May 16, 2021 | Devotionals, Pastor's Blogs

“And, remember I am with you always, even until the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:20c, NRSV)

Today, I’m in Atlanta. It’s only the second time I have flown since the start of the pandemic. I was a bit apprehensive because Delta has suspended leaving the middle seat open. Therefore, people are not sitting six feet apart anymore. Plus, I was concerned because of all the foolishness and fights that racists, anti-vaxxers, and anti-maskers have started on flights, especially on American Airlines.

Despite all of that, I’m here because Rev. Newton, who will become Dr. Newton today, asked me to be present at her graduation. I promised her that I would, so here I am — and gladly and proudly doing so.

Promises are important. We make them and we try to keep them. Our Lord and Savior, before he goes back to glory, made a promise to his followers – then and now. In Matthew 28:20c, he says to believers, who are excited to be in his presence after he died and was raised to new life:

And, remember I am with you always, even until the end of the age.

1.The Lord is a promise-maker and promise-keeper. So, whatever promises he makes, we should treat it as a check to be claimed and cashed at the local branch of Eternity Bank.

2.The Lord is always present with, to, and for us. We must look at each day expecting to see signs and hear sounds of his presence.

3.The Lord is ever watchful to see whether we will keep his promises that he makes to the marginalized, the mournful, the powerless, the hopeless, and the homeless.

Today’s enduring truth: The Lord will never forget to keep His promises nor forsake us, the beneficiaries of His promises. — Pastor Trufant (Rev)

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