Turning Point Counseling Ministry is committed to serving the local body of Christ through education and counsel of individuals, groups, and families.
Our services blend professional psychotherapy and Biblical Truth to restore broken relationships, heal wounds of the past, enhance the Christian lifestyle, strengthen individuals, families, and churches in our community.
We accomplish this by first, functioning as a supportive resource by presenting educational workshops and seminars within the local church. Second, by offering supplemental counseling to individuals, groups, and families.
Turning Point Counseling Ministry is a resource for the church and it’s members with dealing with issues of Mental Health. Everyone has mental health and sometimes need some support and we provide that. Our email is counseling@ebc-ny.org and our number and extension is (718) 622-1107, ext. 134.

Healing Our Hearts
Healing Our Hearts is a bereavement group for any type of loss: death, divorce, break up, job loss and any type of loss. It is a 8 week session starting in November and May. November is for the difficulties during the holidays and May is for the difficulties during Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. After the 8 week sessions we will have Monthly Check-Ins.

Chat and Chew
Chat and Chew is our Monthly group session on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We have a open safe space for people to speak what is on their mind. We lead with different topics like anxiety/stress, relationship conflict, PTSD in the Black Community, Mental Health in the Bible. After the topic we allow people to discuss anything that is on their hearts.

Mental Health Conference
Mental Health Conference is 3 days of providing workshops and information to the community about mental health especially in our communities.

Veteran Luncheon
Veteran Luncheon in November . Honor the Veterans that have served our country.

Childhood Trauma Workshop
Childhood Trauma Workshop is a workshop for adults that have suffered Childhood Traumas.